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The Commonplace

The CommonplaceFictionLiterature and flaneury. Essays and fiction. The theory and practice of idleness.
Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl StrayedFictionDear Sugar is back for paying subscribers! Cheryl will answer letters once a month. Letters can be sent to: As always, Cheryl's regular newsletter is free (and published extremely intermittently).

Write-BrainedFictionTech mom writing a novel set in the Indian revolutionary movement. Follow my progress here, as well as all the things that inspire my writing!
The Tidewater Papers

The Tidewater PapersFictionShort stories and serialized novels by Joseph W. Knowles. Science fiction, alternate history, and more.
The Novelleist

Currently publishing my gothic novel Obscurity for my newsletter subscribers—and writing a newsletter about it.
Jimmy Doom's Roulette Weal

Jimmy Doom's Roulette WealFictionDaily, original short fiction from character actor Jimmy Doom, author of Humans, Being (A Story a Day for a Year)