Stay Informed WithDiscord News Alerts

Create news alerts from almost any topic, keyword, website or social media account.

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Choose Any Website

Choose Any Website

Get news from almost any website and have it delivered straight to your Discord channel

Filter Out The Noise

Filter Out The Noise

Discord news alerts can help you focus on the information that is most relevant to you

Timely Updates

Timely Updates

Stay up-to-date with the latest news in your industry, competitors or your area of interest

Save Time and Enhance Productivity

Get all of your news delivered right to your Discord channel. With our Discord News Alert Bot, you'll never miss an update. Our bot filters out irrelevant news and allows you to customize your alerts, so you can stay up-to-date

Desktop app

Customize Discord Bot Appearance

You can easily add a webhook, providing you with advanced editing capabilities and the ability to create a unique bot

Add a Webhook

After successfully creating the bot integration, the next step involves navigating to the settings section, where you can seamlessly add a webhook to enhance the functionality of your bot

Change Bot Name

After the successful creation of the webhook, a new set of options becomes available, allowing you the flexibility to customize and edit the bot's name according to your preferences

Upload Avatar

In addition, our platform provides you with the capability to easily modify the avatar of your bot, ensuring a distinctive and recognizable presence for your bot within the Discord community

Card Elements

Take charge of how your bot is presented – customize title, description, images, author, and more with our platform. Tailor your bot's content for a personalized touch

Use Cases

Connect, collaborate and grow your community

Stay connected with the communities you care about, by providing real-time updates with Discord News Alerts.

Discord server helps students find community through virtual learning

“Study Together” — one of many public Discord servers used by students across the globe — has allowed users to virtually come together during a time of distance and isolation.

How It Works

Add to Discord

Our Discord news alert bot is easy to set up and use. All you need to do is log in to your Discord account and add

Select News Source

Select a news source from websites, social networks or create your own from a website URL.

Get Alerts In Discord

Once you have selected your news source, you will start to receive news updates in your Discord channel.

Never Miss an Important Update

Add to Discord

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Our customers love what we do

Trusted and used by thousands of brands and companies who care about improving quality content and news management


I've been looking for a way to get Facebook page posts into Discord for news management. And as I tried, much to my surprise, it worked really well. I created the RSS feed from Facebook pages at and added that feed into Discord ! Super easy.

Anthony PachecoTwitter

Frequently Asked Questions

Super easy! Select the feed you want to integrate with discord by going to ‘My feeds’. Under the feed ‘Overview’, copy the XML URL and add it to your discord server.

Great question! New content will be posted every 24 hours, 30 minutes or 15 minutes, depending on the plan you subscribe to. For plan information, check out our pricing page.

Absolutely no coding is required! Integrate the RSS feed into discord by copying the XML URL into your server. That’s it!

Right here in! The RSS feed URL is the XML URL located in the ‘overview’ section of your feed.