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Game Dev Digest

The Newsletter about Unity game dev. A free, weekly newsletter containing Unity game dev news, articles, tips, tricks, assets, videos and more. Everything you need to keep up-to-date in t
Would You Rather
Fun, illustrated, weekly would you rather scenarios to brighten your day and make you think.

Godot Engine Newsletter. Bite size Godot insights, straight to your inbox every Friday.
The Gaming Pub

The Gaming pub is a weekly newsletter made up of hand-curated links. Content ranges from interesting articles on the news front, interesting discussions and opinions, Dev/Design-related info
Thumb Punks
Thumb Punks was a weekly newsletter covering the week’s retro gaming news in a 5 minute read. Click to read Thumb Punks, a Substack publication. Launched a year ago.
The best place to find work with games and real-time skills beyond entertainment
Bettor Secrets

Bettor Secrets is a newsletter focused on sports betting news, tips and tricks from sharps you can’t get anywhere else. Track the key lines and opportunities to max your EV. Think of it
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Every Saturday afternoon, I'll send in-depth and behind-the-scenes articles about the gaming industry and community straight to your inbox.