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The Chatty Mammoth

icon The Chatty Mammoth

The most stimulating online writing, in bite-sized broadcasts, delivered daily.

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HEMRAJ's Newsletter

icon HEMRAJ's Newsletter

Everything that you can think of, and that I find worth talking about.

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the Envy List

Curious reads for deep feelers & thinkers from award-winning author and progressive Christian speaker, Liz Charlotte Grant. What the Envy List is good forā€¦ +Inspiration, +Curiosity, +

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Situation Normal

Life is funny (sometimes), so that's what I write about. Readers compare my humor to Dave Barry, David Sedaris, and Larry David. Basically, everyone agrees that it's "funny" and David-relate

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Common Measure

An original poem, explained to make it understandable, with a life lesson to make it practical, once a week on Tuesdays at 10:30am ET. Poetry as a simple guide to living. Many of our guides

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icon BrainPizza

newsletter is for everyone interested in small, medium, and large slices of writing on brains, behaviour, & lots between

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Am I or Are the Others Crazy

icon Am I or Are the Others Crazy

A weekly escape into a world of random questions and topics. Mix of words and visuals.

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Respectful Smartass

icon Respectful Smartass

A funny Friday newsletter flirting with the silly and the serious.

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icon nonostantement

Interesting, fascinating and weird stuff found all over the Internet by Joele.

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Whatsoever Thoughts

Thoughts worth thinking for people who want to follow Jesus wherever He leads.

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In Case It Missed You

icon In Case It Missed You

A weekly mixtape of interesting articles, venture capital folks, and products that may have missed your inbox

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The Curious Corner of the Internet

Every month you will get a bunch of links sourced from the most curious corners of the web. Single line description that trigger any interest you might have!

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icon Sentiers

Feed your curiosity & make better sense of the world.

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The Wisdom Project

icon The Wisdom Project

Ideas to help you get better.

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Caseyā€™s Catch

A wide net on politics, democracy & the search for balance.

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Carla's Radar

icon Carla's Radar

Thought-provoking ideas and cool findings for the creative type. Curated by Carla Rojas, Founder of Artifier.

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Letters to Summer

icon Letters to Summer

Two friends sharing things they're reading, watching, listening to, and enjoying

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Story Cauldron

icon Story Cauldron

Exploring places where intriguing and quirky storytelling exists in the real world

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Drei Cafe

icon Drei Cafe

A newsletter about literature and nicotine addiction

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Mark Starlin Writes!

icon Mark Starlin Writes!

Mark Starlin Writes! is a humor, fiction, and creative writing newsletter published every Monday morning. It may also include a comic, a silly poem, or some of my thoughts. You never know. I

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Without a hitch šŸ‘

Learn something delightful every week with this digest of true tales and casual commentary. Levity guaranteed. šŸŽˆ

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7 for Seven

icon 7 for Seven

Weekly links on writing and creativity, with a ridiculous cartoon.

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weekly micing & mastering tips

The best place to get knowledge and release your sounds potential.

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Is There A Zombie Apocalypse?

Those who wait to be warned by the mainstream media are zombies already

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