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Experimental Existential Romantic Theatre

Serialized Fiction about Pigs Who Cannot Feel Pain - Think Frankenstein meets One Hundred Years of Solitude. Also Poems and Philosophy.

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June Fiction

icon June Fiction

Short stories and serialized fiction from The World's Greatest Writer. The absurd, the surreal, the experimental. Now publishing Faster on My Own, an experimental novel about trying to make

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TREE is a happy morning habit that will feed your daily growth.

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icon Berkana

Berkana is a weekly newsletter which covers obscure vignettes of cultures from across the world. Berkana's purpose is to drive social change and evoke emotions that instil urgency of actions

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Gem Class

Life hacks + advice from everyday women in your community.

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Ron of Kochi

Longform articles by a newbie journalist from the city of Kochi. Covers news, politics, culture, and more.

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Cranky Guide to Writing

icon Cranky Guide to Writing

A curmudgeon's guide to making it as a Real Writer (TM)

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All My Regret

A monthly newsletter exploring masculinity and vulnerability through the lens of my experience.

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Erica Drayton, The Storyteller

icon Erica Drayton, The Storyteller

Short fiction and one writers journey to becoming a self-published author.

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The Prodigal Parishioner

Articles and reflections from a fallen-away, but now returned, Catholic.: I’m a Catholic writer with an passion for the medieval mystics. 'I once was lost' but now I'm back home in the Chu

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The Underdog Newsletter

icon The Underdog Newsletter

The best underdog sports stories in 5 minutes or less – every Tuesday.

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The Troubled Region

A newsletter of, and about, foreign correspondence.

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icon QueerAF

Understand the ever-changing queer world.

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Liberating Narratives

icon Liberating Narratives

Liberating Narratives is a weekly newsletter helping world history teachers decolonize their classes. Each post explores how to teach specific historical topics and includes primary and seco

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Read a Girl

icon Read a Girl

Monthly recommendations of books by women

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The Bloom

From empowering job opportunities, to inspiring news and businesses, The Bloom empowers you with access to all the resources to grow into your best self. And all with an intersectional femin

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Chaise Lounge

icon Chaise Lounge

From health to politics to economics: a weekly newsletter keeping you up to date on issues important to women

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Bankless Africa Newsletter

A newsletter about staying up to date with well-curated news about crypto and Web3 around Africa

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Coffee & Pens

icon Coffee & Pens

Where authors share their secrets.​

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Financial Independence News(letter)

icon Financial Independence News(letter)

Getting women financially independent and centering women in the FI conversation

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The Black Fantastic

icon The Black Fantastic

The Black Fantastic highlights what’s new and notable in contemporary culture–with an emphasis on the the Black artists, activists, scholars and creators who are driving it forward. Also

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The Crypto Illuminati

icon The Crypto Illuminati

Our mission here at The Crypto Illuminati is to bring together the best, brightest, and most influential minds in Crypto. To ask the difficult questions and work towards the goal of bringing

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The Atlas

icon The Atlas

In the Atlas newsletter, author Donatella Caggiano writes about personal stories of transit as told by the in-betweeners: people who live in between different cultures, countries, languages

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The Mighty News Feed

icon The Mighty News Feed

Every Friday, we curate the latest news from Council 12240 and fellow Knights from around Florida. In addition, we curate National and Florida Catholic webinars and events. For in-depth news

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