Dynamic Сontent with Carousel

We make it easy to add interactive content to your website. No coding. Guaranteed.


Why RSS Carousel Widget?

Increase user engagement by adding dynamic content to your website

  • Fast Results

    Fast Results

    Easy to use and no coding required

  • Social Proof

    Social Proof

    Showcase your social media content

  • Boost Conversion Ratest

    Boost Conversion Ratest

    Attract visitors with high quality content

Top features for your Carousel Widget

  • Easily



    Our state of the art interactive console will give you the control to fully customize your carousel widget so you can create a unique style for your website

  • Filters



    Our state of the art interactive console will give you the control to fully customize your carousel widget so you can create a unique style for your website

  • Dynamically


    updated content

    Our state of the art interactive console will give you the control to fully customize your carousel widget so you can create a unique style for your website

  • Responsive


    by design

    With mobile-first design in mind, your carousel will look good on any device. The carousel widget automatically adapts to the size of the screen

  • No coding

    No coding


    Upgrade your website effortlessly without coding. Add our generated code snippet to your page and witness the instant transformation

  • Add Carousel Widget Widget

3 Steps to Get Your Carousel Widget

Generate Feed

Generate Feed


Generate a feed from almost any website






Preview and customize your Carousel Widget to suit your style

Add to Website

Add to Website


Embed the Carousel Widget by adding the code snippet

Feature Rich Carousel

  • Feed Aggregation

    Feed Aggregation

    Aggregate multiple feeds in one widget using bundles and collections

  • Style Options

    Style Options

    Fully customize your widget to match your website design

  • Easy Setup

    Easy Setup

    The simple and intuitive interface allows for easy set up without any coding

  • Large Images

    Large Images

    Showcase the trendiest content with large images and lazy loading

  • Pagination


    Built-in pagination with an option for loading more content as needed

  • Beautiful Presets

    Beautiful Presets

    Choose the perfect style from our beautiful presets or create your own

Why RSS.app Is the Best Choice

  • Bundle Feeds

    Bundle Feeds

    Use bundles to combine multiple feeds into your Carousel Widget. The aggregated content can be sorted by published date or showcased by random order

  • Advanced Filters

    Advanced Filters

    Filters will allow you to curate posts by whitelist or blacklist keywords so you can show only the relevant content to your audience

  • Responsive Widgets

    Responsive Widgets

    Our responsive grid was designed with mobile first in-mind. Your Carousel widget will automatically adapt to your screen size on any device

We are here for you

We are here for you

Live Chat Support

We provide personalized support to answer any questions you may have. Start chatting with us today!

Ready to Get Started?

Join thousands of customers already using RSS Carousel Widgets.

No credit card required.

Ready to Get Started?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I embed the Carousel widget?

The Carousel widget can be embedded by opening your feed and clicking on the Embed tab. Click on ‘Add To Website’ and copy the Carousel code snippet and paste it to your website. The content of the widget will be updated automatically once new posts are published...

Will my carousel automatically rotate posts?

Customize your carousel to automatically rotate posts in order of publish date by toggling the ‘Auto play’ button.

What type of feeds can I use in my carousel?

Great question! You can create news feeds or feeds of products and showcase them in your carousel.You can even combine feeds into bundles and showcase these feeds too. Do you offer JavaScript or iframe widgets?

Do you offer JavaScript or iframe widgets?

Yes, we offer both Javascript and iframe code snippets of the carousel widget. They can be found in the Embed tab of your feed.