Top 5 News Widgets for Your Website
What is a News widget?
A News widget is a small element that can be displayed on your website or blog that shows the latest news. Widgets can be customized to fit with your website’s design. News widgets can include sources from any website you choose and are auto-updated, so you don't have to worry about manually adding new content.

Why use a News Widget?
A news widget is used to showcase the latest news to your website’s visitors. It's used to help your users stay informed about news related to your industry. You can display the latest sports news, Google news, or news related to your industry. You can even use news feeds to monitor your competitors and keep up with what new products they are releasing.
Here are the Top 5 News Widgets for Your website.
News feeds are’s best feature. You can create a news feed from almost any website using the feed generator or discover news topics that are relevant to you. The best part is that these feeds are easy to customize! News feeds can be created from any template: Wall, Ticker, List, or Carousel. The widgets are super interactive and very responsive, and feed content can even be filtered!
2. RSS Dog
RSS Dog can generate a feed for you to display on your website absolutely for free. They support both RSS and atom feeds and have small customizations that can spruce up your feed. Paste the feeds to your website and enjoy the updated content!
3. Feedwind
Feedwind allows you to create feeds from social media websites like Twitter and Instagram. They even support Google calendar and podcasts. You can customize your widget and display it on any of their supported platforms.
4. 24-7 Press Release
This website is great for getting pre-determined news to your website. You can search for specific news and get a feed of news from that exact topic. They have many news categories that can be created into a news widget.
5. Surfing Waves
Surfing waves provides free widgets to all users.You can create social media feeds and Google News. These widgets can be customized and pasted into your website. They are donation based which allows them to keep their widgets free.
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